Hospital Call Center or Healthcare / Medical Helpdesk
Healthcare Connect Center helps Hospitals in taking care of patients, Appointment management, helping patients connect with the doctors, Patient Feedback, Patient Monitoring, Patient Reminder and much more. The Patient Connect Center is a boon for any healthcare service provider. Our trained resources with an empathetic approach connect with the patients to help them and enhance the brand value of the healthcare provider.
“A Happy Patient leads to a Happy Doctor”
Above are the words of a very famous Doctor who always believed that having a healthy relationship with his patients is as important as treating him.
We at Open Mind Services Limited follow the same philosophy. Our mission is to be a connecting point between the patient and the Doctor. Be it Mother & Child, Critical Care, Renal Care, Diabetes Management or simple post hospitalization follow-ups.
Patient’s love to be taken care of like children, they want to be pampered, and given a soft ear. And most of these things can be done by professionally trained people on phone who can simultaneously keep an eye on the health aspects of the patient. Be it diet, key parameter readings, psychological hearing or health tips.
We believe in ensuring long life for the sick, and simultaneously retaining the patient on to a therapy or institution, indirectly benefiting the later.
It’s been many years now that we have been making life of Kidney patients simpler. Eye care has also become easier due to professional attachment of Open Mind.
Another Specialty of our is in the field of Mother & Child care. We are one of the few organizations which can manage Mother & Child Care proficiently. We make the child birth feel even more special. We try to create a bond between the Mother and the Hospital which lasts forever.
We will be happy to share the success story with you and help you take a decision on Patient Relationship Management. It is far beyond a simple PR exercise.
Our bouquet of Tele Health Services include:

Our comprehensive package of Tele-Health Services covers every aspect of Patient Relationship Management.
Please click on a Service name to know more about that particular service…
- Appointment Management
- Customer Services & Help Desk
- Key parameter Tracking
- Empathy Calls & History Tracking
- Reminder Services
- Counseling
- Feedback and Complaint
- Specialized Services
Not only you experience a cost trimming, Tele Health also leads to improved efficiencies and higher customer satisfaction. Please click the link below to know more
Benefits of Tele Health Services
Data Confidentiality and Non-Disclosure:
We take utmost precaution and care as far as data confidentiality of a customer is concerned.
- Logical and/or Physical division between similar processes
- No permission to download or print data from our software
- No Pen drive access
- Access cards to allow restricted entry into premises.
- No personal email access to employees
- Cross NDA signed with employees and clients
- Complete IT Architecture is based on Virtual cloud with firewall and encryption in place
- No mixing of team members of similar processes
- No Mobile or Laptops allowed except for the ones provided by the company
Download of Reports access given only to the Team Leaders